W&LE Property Locations
We understand that finding the right property is a difficult choice that will greatly impact your company’s future logistical needs and costs. The Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company (W&LE) has a large selection of industrial development sites across Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginiathat may be what you’re looking for.
Our development locations are in proximity to year-round waterways and interstate and state highway systems provides easy access to material suppliers, ports, and other industrial marketplaces anywhere in North America.
Looking for a Rail Access Site?
WLERY properties provide Class I railroad connections and route access to a range of industrial development sites in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Western Maryland. We maintain a database of available property locations adjacent to our right of way that are both owned by the railroad or by individual property owners. Please contact us with your specific parameters and we will tell you what is available.
Marketing Land Near Our Railroad?
If you are a private property owner and you have an industrial development property site that you would like to submit to our team to market free of charge, please contact us with the property specifics and we would be happy to add it to our database.